Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
The Holly Hobby Sisters Detail

Two sisters are playing with their toys in their bedrooms...they are the Holly Hobby sisters. The wallpaper in each room lend to the theme...tiny Holly Hobby girls imprinted in the wallpaper. Plexiglass to protect roombox from dust has been removed. The plexiglass slides into the top and side sections.

The younger sister is occupied with all her play "friends"

A pretty bedspread and matching pillow covers the tiny brass bed. In the corner stands a brass jug and basin The color of the curtains coordinates with the color of the wallpaper.

She is at play with her doll and bear, a scaled play stove sits nearby. A chalkboard and cut out paper dolls are adjacent to the tiny dollhouse

Baby bear sits in the tiny couch alongside the wall of her room. There is a single matching chair beside the couch.

View of the wallpaper and curtains in the bedroom

The furniture and color coordination of the bedspread blend with the wall paper which lends to the them of the sisters.

The elder sister has set up her tiny table for tea.

The older sister , holding her rag doll is in a pensive mood thinking of her next play "event"