Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
Chateau Des Lauson Detail

Front view of a three story hotel that depicts the ongoing activity floor by floor and room by room in one twelfth scale.

The three story hotel from the back floor by floor.

A maid with her cleaning cart is busy cleaning rooms . She is going from floor to floor, room to room replacing toiletries, fresh towels and sheets.

A grandmother and her granddaughter are waiting at the elevator to go down. Do you see the elevator button lit up ?

A young glamorous lady is in the elevator and the bell hop is loading her suitcases onto the luggage cart.

The hotel gift shop is full of trinkets and souvenirs, also a newspaper stand on the far left against the wall.

In the lobby next to the hotel foyer is a window display that shows the exquisite gowns and shoes of the fashion store located in the hotel.

The clerk is booking hotel reservations and checking to see what is available on his computer. Can you see the details on his computer screen? Two hotel guests are waiting patiently for another couple from the hotel.

An exclusive pastry shop with a Parisian theme. An elderly couple, after a busy day of shopping are enjoying the delicious pastries. A repairman is replacing a bulb in a light fixture that has fused.

The guests in the hotel have just unpacked and are relaxing. He has just opened a bottle of wine.

On the top floor there is a wedding reception. What a handsome couple, the bridesmaids' dresses blend well with the colors of the room decor.

The maid of honor is gazing at the wedding ceremony.

The three tiered wedding cake is ready to be cut. The array of cakes and petit fours look delicious. The parents of the bride look on proudly.

The young ring bearer and flower girl look so cute.