Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
Pieck Laan Detail

A scene from the old Europe depicting a series of storefronts, bustling traffic on the cobbled streets and vendors displaying their wares to prospective shoppers gazing through the windows to see what they can purchase.

A storefront of a china shop with handpainted porcelain items with a bedroom upstairs behind the tiled roof.

The name of the village street

A Dimly lit lamp can be seen behind the curtains upstairs.

A handpainted powder and comb set below a wall mirror is in view behind the curtains.

The lady walking her dog has stopped by to look at the delicate porcelain items in the store window.

Close up of an intricate bowl hand painted with violet flowers and gold trim.

Close up of a lovely vase with white daisies.

Close up of the other china plates and bowls. At the bottom of the shelf here is a double headed swan vase.

Close up of a Dutch doll figurine and a bird perched on a grapevine branch.

Close up of the teapot , the lid is in the shape of a thatched roof.

An exquisite candy dish in jade green and gold

Pretty blue and white handpainted tiles.

In the side lane, a barrel is partially unpacked with a shipment of porcelain tiles for the china shop.

Two identical bell ringers strike the bells on the hour above the entrance of the clock shop.

Behind the double windows are some clocks sent in for repairs.

A shelf with various clock parts

Click faces and hinges displayed on a board hanging on the wall.

On the table one can see a hammer, chisel, oil can and spare clock parts.

The store keeper of an antique clock shop stands in the entrance smoking his pipe and talking to a young vendor selling oranges.

A variety of clocks are displayed on the ledge and on the wall in the clock shop.

A mother pushing her baby in a Victorian carriage outside the clock shop on the cobbled sidewalk.

The baby looks so content with her rattle. She is cosily tucked in with a sheepskin cover.

Just above the bakery is the kitchen, a black cat is sleeping on the window sill.

The open oven upstairs has been fired up to accomodate more breads.

Close up view of hard candies in glass jars and the variety of breads in the back shelf.

Display of assorted pastries and cookies on the trays.

A young child with her toy hoop is being chased by her pet puppy.

The happy couple are holding a freshly baked loaf of bread.