Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
Shaka The Zulu Detail

The lamp and base in which depicts a scene of Shaka the famous Zulu warrior and his family.

The dry vegetation and animals that surround the hut (kraal).

Shake is standing on guard outside his hut. All aspects of the village scene are authentic, based on many hours of research. The figures and animals are made of porcelain and have been custom painted and dressed.

His wife sits outside the kraal weaving a straw basket whilst her toddler plays with a wooden painted ball.

Shaka is holding a short spear (assegai) in his hand. One of his young sons is playing on a drum, the surface of the drum is covered with a thin layer of dried deer skin.

It is typical of a village to be surrounded by animals like the goats and hens

The daughter is cooking a traditional African meal of corn meal porridge ( mielie pap) and stewed meat. The meal is usually eaten with ones hands and no plates.The mealie pap is then dipped into the sauce of the stew.