Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
Reflections Detail

A young daughter in her mother's outfit admires herself in front of the mirror. The mother is hiding behind the bedroom door, she chuckles as she reflects upon her own past in her childhood days.

Unaware of her mother's presence the young daughter parades before the mirror.

Looking at her glamorous hat in the mirror, the young lady is lost in her imagination.

The young girl has arranged and color coordinated the jacket to wear with her outfit.

The bed is adorned with pretty pink cushions trimmed with intricate lace and silk roses.

The pretty pearl slippers have not been stored away since the event the night before.

On a lacy doily, mother has left her belt, purse and wallet from the day's shopping.

A top hat, shawls and furs are revealed behind the armoire door.

The door is slightly ajar and reveals another evening gown.

Mother has hung up her lacy shawl from her recent outing. The photograph on the dresser of her husband and herself reminds her of their happy relationship.

A pretty silk purse hangs on the door knob of the armoire.

Packing boxes are stacked on the top of the armoire.

An empty trunk is stored on top of the armoire.

A lovely hair and powder set can be seen on the marbled Victorian dresser top. Mother has forgotten to store away the pair of glove stretchers and hair clips.

Even though her mother's clothes are too big for her , the young girl looks admirably at her reflection in the mirror.