Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
The Fall Detail

A couple on their camping trip are surrounded by the wild life on the site. Catching up on his passion for fishing, the man is seen making his first catch of the day whilst his wife is busy preparing the meals.

This depicts the cosy kitchen in the camper. The wife is preparing the "Rice Krispies" bars for the afternoon tea break.

The messy saucepan has been left in the sink to soak, The can of Purina cat food is ready to be opened for kitty's meal.

The freshly made rice cripy bars have been left on the counter to cool off. A basket of fresh raspberries sits right in front of them.

The morning newspaper, empty coffee mug, and a box of fig newtons have been left on the table since the early breakfast. The fly fishing magazine and book titled "What fish don't want you to know!" are left on the couch.

Behind the bunk is a small bathroom, complete with washbasin and toothbrushes. Kitty looks at the bed as she is about to pounce onto it.

On the bed is her paperback novel titled "into Temptation", a love story. The extra sleeping bag is rolled up neatly and stored on the small shelf above the bed.

Having laid out the dinner on the picnic table, the wife enjoys a can of cold Coors beer. She is wearing her new Spring hat.

The array of foods on the table include a green salad, potato salad, hot dogs, KFC chicken and baked beans. The patient squirrel is waiting for some potato chips to fall out of the bag. There are also marshmallows to be cooked over the open fire for dessert.

The hamburger patties and sausages cook on the open camp grill creating the barbecue smoke.

The Woodpecker sits on a branch watching the man fishing.

Cold beer sits in the ice chest surrounded by crushed ice.

The cauldron of boiling water steams away on the open camp fire.

A curious badger peeks at the strange looking propane tanks.

The Blue Jay sits on the barren fall branch singing his morning song.

The husband is pleased with his catch, a river trout that he is about to store in his fishing creel. He is wearing his fishing hat that has all his colorful flies pinned to it.

The goose is attracted by the wriggling worms in the can. The tackle box contains extra flies and fishing gear.

A family of beavers are collecting twigs and sticks to block the small stream thus creating a small dam.

Mallard ducks and her ducklings swim down the river alongside a trout.

A pack of foxes are at play on a tree stump beside the door of the camper.

Papa bear is not too far from his family, mama is right behind her cub.

A family of wildcats are nearby .The mother is making sure her cubs are not wandering too near to the bears.