Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
Past Reflections Detail

This is a scene of a doctor's office. For a quick moment he stares into the mirror reflecting on his childhood days. He sees himself as a young boy tending to his teddy's arm in a sling.

The elderly doctor, in reflecting the past, sees himself as a young boy attending his patient - a teddy bear. He remembers how he dreamed at that young age, of fulfilling his ambitions of his present career.

His medical degrees and certificates are proudly displayed on the wall behind his desk.

Behind the door of the armoire, the doctor as a young boy is attending his teddy bear patient. (Note: In the actual room box, the door is closed and the child only is visible through the one way mirror).

The young boy is examining his teddy bear, he has put the bear's arm in a sling and affixed a band aid to its forehead. There are two light bulbs on the upper right corners of the armoire that flicker on and off when the door is closed superimposing the image of the young boy over the reflection of the elderly doctor. The green box below him is the hidden fader/dimmer that controls the light bulb illumination.

He has earmarked a page in his medical book of a topic he is researching. Besides his cup of coffee is a photograph of his wife of 25 years. His leather doctor's bag has been place on the chair.

The corner bookshelf contain the following books, PDR Nutritional Supplements, PDR Drug Guide for Medical Professionals, Principals of Neurology and Cancerand Natural Medicine.

Books on the shelf include Gray's Anatomy, Medicinal Plants and a Compendium of Pharmaceuticals ansSpecialists. A patient chart hangs on the wall adjacent to the shelf.

Against the back wall is the wash basin and shelf with medical requirements needed during a regular examination.

Some of the medical supplies found on this shelf besides the ice pack and first aid kit are, band aids, vaseline, tongue depressors, latex gloves, a bottle of cotton balls and a box of tylenol.

Next to the wash basin on the glass shelf is a syringe, a bottle of ribbing alcohol and a cotton ball. There is a presciption pad on the side of the wash basin.

The arm cuff mercury blood pressure gauge sits on the wall above the examination table.

The bottom section of the examining table can be extended with footrests. The paper liner is typical in a doctor's office, and the patient gown is hanging ready on the wall.

There is an eye chart on the sliding door.

The brochure handouts are for patient information, they include pamphlets for healthy and nutritional eating, urinary tract infections, you and your aging parents and access clinic.

Whilst waiting for the doctor, the patients have available to them reading material as in magazines. Some of the magazines are : Family Life & Home Sports Illustrated Good Housekeeping