Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
Tea For Two Detail

The teapot gazebo is a perfect setting for tea for two.

The back is a colorful splash of colors from the variety of flowers and shrubs. Do you see the fairy on the sun dial?

A close up view of the sundial fairy worshipping the sun.

The granite stairs lead into the gazebo flanked by two purple fuschias, on either side.

There is a music box built - in the base of the gazebo that plays the music classic "Tea for Two" The tiny teapot is a replica of the large teapot in the scene.

What a mischievous fairy - playing in the paints behind the easel , mixing all the colors on the palette.

The painter fairy is busy painting the scenery from the outside of the teapot gazebo.

The drawer of the easel contains the paint tubes for mixing. Do you see the paint brushes in the drawer.

Along the well landscaped pathway that leads to the gazebo, a fairy stops to talk to a turtle.

The fairy on the lily pads bathes in the sun while her friend watches from the garden bench on the right.

Mother is striding down to her baby fairy. Do you see the baby on a soft white pillow tucked amongst the bed of flowers? Her tiny wings are tucked behind her.

The fairy on the garden bench is absorbing the rays of the sun , two of his frog companions are sitting on either side of him. The bouquet of flowers in the swan ornament add a hint of color to the scene.