Judy Lauson
Distinctive Design
Designer of Miniature diorama scenes in one twelfth scale
The Secrets Detail
Four different secrets under each dome

Chastity is in her boudoir dreaming of an eventful venture to come.What kind of venture is it? Is it a romantic one?

She is in a state of serenity and somewhat deep in thought.

These are her favourite perfumes and lotions and a gold razor !

A lovely pink, grey and burgundy hat has been placed on the head of the chaise.

A pile of letters sit on top of her pretty robe. What do the contents entail?Are they from someone special? Has this anything to do with her venture?

Who sent the flowers? A shirt hanging from the divider raises more curiosity about Chastity.Does she have a lover? Where is he? Could it be that Chastity is a cross -dresser?

Who does the wrist watch belong to? Was this a gift? Why is it still in the box.Whose boots and parosol do these belong to? A book with a page marked?

A special book "Dove of Peace".Is there a reason why this specific page has been earmarked?

Gisele gently caresses the baby within her womb.She dreams of the happy future she will be having with a newborn son.Or is it a girl?

She is busy knitting an outfit and a book is opened to her favourite page

She is deep in thought about the baby's future

A white baby bunting is folded neatly beside the the rocking chair

A baby gift basket sits in front of the mirror. Who was this from? Was this from a relative? How sis he/she know that she was having a boy?

On the table is a photo album for the photos of the new baby, blankets, napkins, a bottle and safety pins. Who helped her prepare this table? Or did Gisele prepare it herself?

There is a sock monkey in the crib and a teddy sits on the floor. Were these Gisele's own childhood toys? Who do they belong to? How special are they?

There is a photo album on the floor behind the mirror.In it are photos of four handsome men. Which one is the father? Where is he?